
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am home sick with the bad cold of 2011 as I write this blog entry. But despite the coughing and fatigue, I feel the holiday spirit. Everything seems to be golden as the holidays approach.  I am not just talking about the leaves but even the lighting. For example, I especially love watching the holiday news and talk show segments.  The sets are warm with golden lighting effects and they are cooking holiday food so savory I feel as if I can smell it from my living room. Although to this Southern Belle's dismay, I did see a recent poll of three chefs on a cooking segment who were all asked if they said "dressing" or "stuffing." All said stuffing!  Obviously none of those chefs were raised in the South!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am dedicating a blog to thankfulness.  The above statement was my inspiration. A few weeks ago, I came across the question on Facebook.  The message has staying power because the simple question makes you think. I was sitting with my family when I read it and everyone quieted for a moment to take in the idea.  Scary thought for me because I had probably only thanked God for about three things the day before!  All of a sudden even the menial things started to get a Thank You, God!  I love my life and assumed God realized it. However, that question helped me realize I need to acknowledge all of the many things I love in my life, not only for the act of being grateful but so I clearly see how blessed I am for myself.

Since seeing that statement, I have been trying to make an effort over the last few weeks to fill my prayers thanking God for all the blessings in my life. Everything from my family to my curling iron!  My initial intent wasn't to use all of my prayers just focused on gratitude, because I still had requests I wanted to ask. But once I began my conversation with listing things I was thankful for, I couldn't stop listing.  Eventually I had to end the prayer to go to work or do some other daily task so the requests were limited, if made at all.  This practice helped me see how abundant my life is. I thought I knew how blessed I am but now I really see it.   And as for the requests, it only took a few days for most of those to not seem as necessary. The few necessary requests that were left seem to even come with blessings themselves.  Just after a few of these gratitude prayers, this Southern Belle who is quite good at "fretting" - I am almost a world class champion at it - began to not worry as much! Hardly any!

In complete honesty, there have been a few (okay, several days) that my focus has not been as clear which reduced how much I thanked God for that day.  On those days, I did notice a difference in my personal peace.  But I am trying to re-commit to this practice every day.  You should try it too.   I promise it makes a difference.  Also, I am sure just as we appreciate a genuine thank you for a gift that we give someone, God appreciates hearing thank you for all that He is doing for us. And as for me, one of the many, many things that I am thankful for is that I live in South where we eat dressing!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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