
Monday, June 11, 2012

Indulging My Inner Belle: Pottery Obession

I never actually knew it until now but looking back I suppose I should have seen the classic signs.  Any clay piece with swirls of blues, greens, and browns always made me detour to stop and inspect. Yes, I am talking pottery.  Being recently engaged with all kinds of tips coming my way about everything including registries have allowed me to fully understand my obsession with pottery. Most brides-to-be want to talk flowers and centerpieces but I bypass those items to daydream about clay masterpieces.

I am not a china girl nor do I care about expensive bouquets at our wedding. Thankfully Ed could care less about these things....but then again what groom-to-be is obsessed about dishes that stay in a cabinet most of the year and flowers that will get thrown at the end of the night? I thought because those details lose their importance on me that I was super low maintenance when it came to wedding planning.  Then pottery walked into my life....well not really walked....but you understand what I mean.

Supposedly as a Southern Girl, I am told that I am to own a certain type of pottery, which for the purposes of avoiding slander shall remain nameless.  This unnamed pottery is quite lovely but was relatively unheard of in South Mississippi where I grew up. Okay, I will admit it - I never even heard of this type of pottery that graces every household until I moved to North Mississippi.  I actually had to have someone explain to me what it was.  Yes, I am making some of you Southern ladies shake your heads in disgrace right now.  And it only gets worse....even after it was explained to me about this precious clay collection, I can't identify it with 100% accuracy.  But my inability to be able to tell the difference between this line and other lines led me to my new favorite.

Last week, I went into a local store to gauge if future hubby and I should register for the "unnamed" pottery.  I picked out some gorgeous pieces that made me think I might just buy into the tradition of having  a few of these required pottery items. Feeling quite southern belle, I flipped over the piece to look for the signature marking at the bottom to realize that I had fallen head over heels for - gasp - another collection! Trying to convince myself to find the "unnamed" collection, I did some online research but no matter how hard I tried I could not quit going back to the beautiful designs of The Good Earth.

I called my matron of honor, who is truly a modern day Southern Belle, to ask her how many pieces of the required "unnamed' pottery she had.  And her answer confirmed another reason why we are meant to be friends: "Oh, I am a Good Earth girl."  Now, I know I am getting a tad ridiculous about pottery and North Mississippi tradition but the little belle came out in me and I decided I wanted to be a Good Earth girl too!  (Insert: Squeals and over the top girly jumpy right here!).

Yes, I know I am having a bonafide Legally Blonde moment right now but see for yourself in the picture below.  But I promise it is not all superficial desire for pottery. On the serious side, the pottery reflects what the South prides itself in - artistry.  By supporting our local artists, we aren't just giving into the required,  "Well the Jones have it so I have to have it," mentality. It actually goes much deeper into a support for Southern culture and our artists.  Ed always tells me he loves to buy cds, books, art, etc. to support the act of creating.  I agree.  Without art we wouldn't have beautiful things that surround us and help us celebrate life.  So I am proud to say I would love to surround myself with the following beautiful things while supporting our Southern artists. And, yes, I really really think it is so pretty! (Insert: Another girly squeal!).

The Blue Heron Pattern(from their website)

My favorites are the bluebird, the highlands, and the blue heron. 

If you have fallen in love with it too then you need to go to their website:
The Good Earth Gallery

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