
Monday, October 1, 2012

Marry Me Monday: Enjoying Engagement

Only about 6 more months to go until the big day!  When we first got engaged, the count was a few days over 300 and now we are around 187.  I enjoy seeing the number go down because of course I am excited but at the same time, I want to relish this part of my life. The engaged life.

I have always been one to not wish away a time period.  In high school, my friends could not wait until graduation. I did the opposite and loved every minute of high school. In college, those same friends could not wait to get out to the real world and start working.  I loved college so much I stayed until I got a PhD!  I have never felt the need to rush but instead enjoy each sweet moment of life.  After all, these phases make up our lives. However, in the midst of being excited about our upcoming marriage, I am anxious for the wedding day to be here!  I love seeing the days go down but I don't want this engagement to just be a countdown until the big day.

Obviously, a lot of people want to rush through the engagement as there are a lot of articles out there on the topic. Some tips I found for enjoying this time and staying focused on what matters:

1. Remember engagement is more than a countdown but a time to strengthen the relationship.  I love that idea.  I love the times I feel we are growing as a couple.  For example, when we are working through our ceremony readings and discussing our dreams and goals for the relationship. I am especially looking forward to the engagement retreat where we will focus on these topics exclusively for a weekend. Yeah, he must love me to agree to spend an entire weekend talking about feelings! 

2. Ask yourself each month, "What do I want my engagement to be about this month?" Some of the focus will naturally be on wedding planning but the other focus should be on growing as a couple. This idea gives each month of the engagement a special place and helps me focus on the present moment that I need to enjoy.

3. Continue to strengthen the relationships with your future in laws.

4. Use the time to continue to nurture your relationships with your family and friends.

5. Take good care of yourself.  You want to be healthy and feeling great for the next phase of your life!

6.  Don't forget to step away from the to-do list and have a "wedding free" night.  I love this piece of advice because I have known too many couples where the wedding planning became all consuming.  I wondered what they even talked about after the wedding was over.  Remember to be the couple you were that brought you to being engaged.

7. Have fun. Enjoy all the festivities and excitement that the engagement period brings.  Anticipation and the building excitement can be fun just in itself.

8. Dream about the really BIG day(s).  The day after the wedding when the marriage begins which is far more precious than one single day. 

Of course, part of the enjoyment will still be seeing the day get closer but I will make more of an effort to enjoy the engaged days that are far more than just a countdown.

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