
Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Balconies of My Life: The View From A Balcony in Oxford, MS

A photograph we took on a Sunday morning. I love this photo so much that I have several prints framed.
Even on a regular week day, a celebration is going on in Oxford as people fill the balcony spaces.  They laugh with drinks in their hands.  They hear the busy, happy sounds of The Square.  They talk about great ideas or ideas that just sound great after a few joy making beverages. The balconies are the places that inspire many of our literary talents. The balconies are where the want-to-be writers congregate in hopes of catching a bit of that talent that runs through our town.  A balcony on The Oxford Square is one of my favorite places to be.  A simple joy that makes me remember,  once again, I really am enjoying the sweet life. This joy is one of the many reasons I consider myself one of the fortunate ones to not only live in the South but get to live in Oxford, MS.

In Oxford, balcony time is the ultimate experience in laid back relaxation but it is not relaxation without effort. You see, balcony inhabiting in Oxford is quite the sport. You have to stake out a place and hunt it like a wild animal hunting it's prey.  Except the typical balcony hunting does not involve a wild smelling, fur covered, blood thirsty animal.  No, our version is more like hunting in a cute dress with wedge sandals while being nicely perfumed and only thirsty for that next glass of chardonnay. Yes, hunting in Oxford is much more civil and fashion conscious.

Recently, we went out for a friend's birthday. The birthday dinner was scheduled at a prime time in hopes to get a balcony spot at Boure.  After a detailed strategy session, we agreed we would increase our chances on a Thursday evening immediately following work after the spring semester ended.  We almost made it.  However, we were a party of five and there were only a couple of two seater tables available...such disappointment.  As we walked off the balcony, defeated, we looked back at the lucky ones.  The ones, who on that day, managed to secure a spot. We walked our stylish wedge sandals inside for dinner.

Even though we were not successful for that birthday dinner, strategy does often produce results when executed with dedication and persistence. I have been known to stand outside City Grocery's bar door at 3:45pm on a weekend because they opened at 4:00pm. I knew if we were the first ones in we would get a spot. Don't judge. Others quickly followed and lined up behind me. On such Saturdays of successful balcony hunting, I happily claim a prized spot. And no it wasn't 5 o'clock in Oxford but balcony time is the exception to that rule any day.

Magical memories seem to take place on balconies. One of my favorite times on a balcony is a early spring day when winter has finally let go of Oxford. Another favorite time is  the 3rd of July when The Square opens up for a street dance.  My family never goes to the street dance because we are enjoying the music from the balcony and talking about those great ideas that sound even better with a joy making beverage in hand!

My mom (aka Sassy Susie) enjoying wine on the balcony of City Grocery during a 3rd of July celebration.

Deep conversation with family (my cousin is in background).

Ed checking out the activity below City Grocery.

A cool summer evening. Happiness.

Family time on the City Grocery Balcony.

Family time on the City Grocery Balcony.

Relaxing and enjoying the view. (Ok, really I just did not want to look at the camera while Ed took the picture!)

Great ideas that get even better with one more glass...
There are so many balcony experiences that make up my life. While each balcony is uniquely different, all share the commonality of happy times with friends and family. I recently realized balconies are the places where a lot of my sweet memories are made. My husband pointed out my love for these outside spots when I mentioned writing about the Oxford balconies but continued to talk about all the balconies of my life.  He suggested not just one essay on the Oxford balconies but a series.   So hence the series: The Balconies of My Life.  Hopefully, in the upcoming weeks, my series will inspire you to head out to a balcony with friends, family and of course a glass of vino! 

*This essay is the first in a series of essays.  Next Thursday: The Balcony of Jubilee Landing.

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