
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Two Calming C's

I feel rejuvenated after this weekend.  Amazingly, I stayed home and for the most part of the weekend did chores. Not what most would consider an exciting nor refreshing weekend. However, it was one of the best weekends that I have had in a long time. I learned that two C's in my life really help set me up for the week ahead and feel rested.  Cleaning and coffee houses are two of life very simple pleasures. They are now two C's that I will trust to get me inspired and going again.

Cleaning is good for the soul. I knew this at one point but in the last 21 weeks of nausea and fatigue due to pregnancy, my cleaning and organizing skills have been lacking. I have done the bare minimum just to make things look decent. But I knew that our home was not where it was suppose to be which was draining even more energy from me. As the weekend approached, I could think of countless other things I thought I would rather do than clean the house and organize my closet in preparation for our upcoming move. But Friday morning after a slight meltdown (blame it on the pregnancy hormones), my husband assured me that we would tackle the house together so both of us would feel good about. Thankfully, I have a hubby who loves a clean home too!

Saturday morning came and after a somewhat slow start to the day including orange juice in bed, since I no longer like regular coffee, we began cleaning.  What I initially thought would be an energy draining task turned into an energy giving task.  At one point in the morning, I realized stress was leaving me as I eliminated junk from my home. I suppose at the same time, my soul felt like I was eliminating clutter from my life. I remembered that cleaning and organizing were once my stress relievers and that I could turn to them in the future.

On Sunday, knowing I had a clean home, I was able to relax at the other C...the coffee house. Specifically the new Cups Coffee House that just opened in Oxford.  Coffee houses have always inspired me. You suspend time for an hour or so while you talk about whatever comes to your mind. Time is lost if you choose not to talk but read or people watch.  Whatever I do, the outcome is always the same. I leave feeling inspired and relaxed.  There is something said about allowing yourself free time to do nothing.  Time to allow your brain to wander. It is in that time, surrounded by other people doing the same in an art and music filled space, that new ideas are formed. I leave there craving my creative side and wanting to do more in my life. I know it sounds like a tall order for such a simple activity but this weekend I relearned that the simple things in life are best.

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