
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday Third Trimester Countdown: 31 weeks and 4 days

Sunday will be 8 months!  And according to The Bump, there are only 59 days left until my due date...unless he wants to come a week early which would be great with me! 

 Size of Baby:  According to the The Bump, he is the size of a pineapple. However, we had a sonogram yesterday and he weighs 4.4 pounds which is a little ahead of schedule. Around this time is when he should have hit 3 pounds so we already have a little overachiever!

Movement: His feet are up by my stomach and he loves to exercise them. Baby Buckner is strong too. So strong that the other night our entertainment for the evening was watching my belly poke up from the kicks. It is amazing to not only feel the kicks but see the kicks as well!

What I Miss the Most:
Energy! I have been very tired the last few days. I guess hauling around a baby all the time can wear you out!

Cravings:Still fruit and now milk. I never drank much milk before but I want to actually drink it. Unfortunately, I prefer to drink it along side cookies!

Symptoms: The symptoms of nausea and swelling of last week have both improved this week. I am now just very tired.

Worst Moment of the Week: Having ANOTHER woman tell me that her belly was much smaller than me when she was 31 weeks.  Do these people get some type of sick confidence boost to tell a vulnerable pregnant woman she is big over and over again? I realize I am big...I am growing a baby. 
Best Moment of the Week: Seeing our baby on the sonogram and counting five sweet little toes on a foot.  We are so ready to meet him!

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