
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Reverb (Day 1 for me): What I Will Leave Behind In 2012

One of my friends, Jen, who happens to inspire me with her dedication to daily writing told me about the Reverb Project.  I had a moment to briefly look over the blog with the information and found the topics to be inspiring as well as the challenge to respond to the prompts given each day by the blogger. As a person who never passes up the opportunity for personal growth and loves a good self help book, I find this challenge fascinating. Hopefully, it will help me as a writer but at the very least it might be some good, free therapy as I explore these topics during the month of December in preparation for a very big year for me: 2013! I don't know if I am going to do this in the manner in which it was intended but I like the challenge and it seems like a good way to get writing inspiration so I am starting the project on Day 5 which is letting go.

My friend posted on her response on her blog, PiercedWonderings, to the prompt found on In the Storm:

What are 13 things your life doesn't need in 2013? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these things change your life?

I am always thinking of ways to add things to my life but never really thought too much about what to remove. I respect eliminating unwanted, toxic, or unnecessary behaviors, items and habits is an important step in creating a full life but I have to admit it is a lot easier to add then to remove sometimes. So this list is a challenge for me and also written in no particular order of importance, just random thoughts.

1. I am leaving behind worrying. I am a huge worrier and a total hypochondriac. I say that lightly but fears often do consume me especially those regarding health issues. To help you understand the level of my hypochondria just know I keep the WebMD symptom checker in business!  I think it is because I have an overactive, overly sensitive mind.  Of course, I should use this busy, sometimes crazy mind of mine for writing not researching random diseases.  So in 2012, I leave behind worry over things that most likely will never happen and I will allow the WebMD symptom checker to finally have a rest.

2. I am leaving behind single life.  I get to marry the man God made just for me in 2013!  I am ready to start this new, exciting (just a tad scary) adventure of married life in April. Bye bye single life, hello married bliss!

3. I will quit using my creative energy for finding excuses of why I can't write and actually write on a daily basis.  So often I put needless, time consuming tasks before my writing and that novel still sits with 53 pages completed. It is time to write the remaining pages to complete the story.

4. Good-bye being lazy and hello exercise! While I have absolutely no desire to be an avid runner or run at all for that matter, I would actually like to be telling the truth when I tell the doctor at check-ups that I walk or do yoga five times a week. 

5. I will eliminate my time invested in time wasters. I have been studying productivity and focus lately.  Although my focus still needs to improve because as I read, I am responding to e-mails, answering the phone and sending an instant message. I am a student of focus, not an expert.  But I realize that all the tiny distractions add up in one's day and by the end of the day, I feel exhausted from a busy day but not productive. I will figure out how to use my time better, if I could just finish that book about focus!

6. Saying good bye to some reality tv will be the hardest for me, probably harder than overcoming hypochondria!  I love my trash tv. I unwind with a glass of wine and hysterically trashy but wealthy, beautiful reality tv stars.  I love it!  However, I watch it mindlessly sometimes and my half read books are evidence of this behavior.  I often leave the television on even when it isn't a show I love and then end up neglecting a book that I want to read.  I need to balance the time between the, I can't give it up completely!

7. Looking over the ideas so far, I think distraction has been a major theme. I am distracted with worry, needless tasks, technology, and tv.  I continue with this theme to say that I will leave behind clutter.  I am a very neat person and most people who know me probably wonder what clutter I am talking about.  Life at work has been very busy this semester so I have neat piles of work that surrounds me all the time. However, I was reading today in the focus book about a clean workspace to assist you in focus. The example the author created seemed so serene that I can't wait to get started on organizing and throwing out unneeded clutter.

8. I would like to create space in my life and mind for more mindfulness.  I guess the opposite of adding mindfulness would be eliminating mindlessness? I admire people who meditate and wish to be one. I think it would help me with my stress and worry. I also think the practice of mindfulness brings on more appreciation in our lives and creates a overall peace in your well being.  Sign me up in 2013!

9. Can I give up creating this list now? I am running out of things to eliminate!  I will say goodbye to negative people and thoughts. No, I won't actually say good bye but I will actively remove myself from negative conversations and limit time spent with these types of people.  Who wants to be negative when only positive actions and thoughts give us energy?

10. Recently, I have become an extremely healthy eater. My eating habits are not for the faint of heart because they are no where near easy. No gluten, sugar, or red meat.  However, for some reason it is not hard for me to eat this way.  I like it. I am becoming a better cook and know more about nutrition and pure ingredients.  But I have got into a rut with making the same dishes over and over. I love cookbooks but they are not meant to be just collectible items on the shelves. Time to use them!

11. I will give up missing Mass.  Before moving to Oxford, I was at Mass every week and for every obligation day. However, the biggest adjustment of moving here has been trying to come to terms with the major differences in the priest here.  He is not what I am accustomed to so it has been a challenge for me but at the same time I love my faith and feel better when I regularly attend Mass.

12. I would love to say good bye to about six inches of my hair!  I am keeping it long for the wedding and right now I am ready to chop it off!  For the majority of my life, I have had and loved my long hair. I think just knowing I want to keep it long for the wedding is making me want to cut it.  I guess it is reverse psychology!

13. Yay for 13!  I almost made it through this list!  And now I am blank. Oh I know - here is a good one!  I will give up saying yes to so much. I love to please others so I said yes when I don't have to and probably do not need to. I have to learn to say no to some things so I can say yes to the most important things that I want in my life.

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