
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Reverb12: Intention

Prompt from Sunny Side Up

Prompt for December 6: Intention.  What were some of your mantras from 2012 and how did you come by them?  Will they remain the same for the next year – if not, what new ones will you set?

I love inspiring quotes.  I am instantly motivated by a few enlightened words and will jot them down in a moleskin book I carry in my purse.  Sometimes when I am waiting for an appointment or have a few minutes of down time, I will flip through the book and be inspired by words that I had forgot.

Words have always had a lot of power on me.  When I was in the 9th grade, I created a drawing that stayed on our fridge for at least a year.  The masterpiece was one word done in brightly colored bubble letters because bubble letters were the height of artistic talent for me as a 14-year-old girl.  The word was: DETERMINATION.  The picture was a daily reminder for my mother and me to be determined to accomplish our goals, no matter how tough our current challenges were at the time.  We often reflect back to that word and I believe that refrigerator masterpiece still hangs in our minds today.

For the better part of this year, written sloppily on a post it note taped to my computer was the saying: You will become what you think you are.  I read it daily. Now I see it even though it isn't there and think of it daily.  I truly believe in the power of positive thinking. You may call it the secret, a self fulfilling prophecy or faking it until you make it. Whatever the phrase, I believe our thoughts take us to the next step so you better be thinking some great thoughts! 

I don't think it is a magical process but more of an enlightening one. If you are thinking about where you would like to be, you naturally start gravitating to sources that will assist you in getting to that better version of yourself. Likewise, if your thoughts are negative you will naturally attract sources that will nurture the negativity such as negative people.  These thoughts are life draining.  Positive thoughts are life giving.  Positive thinking allows you to create new ideas, learn new skills and surround yourself with supportive people that will help you become you think you are. I will carry this mantra into 2013 as I continue to strive to be the best version of myself. 

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