
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

7 Months!

Today Ed and I have been married 7 months!  In honor of hitting number 7 in our newlywed year I give my top 7 favorite things about being married.

7. Cooking dinner at home on a regular work day evening. Eating and hanging out with our fur baby Lulu Belle while fighting over which tv show we watch (we have very different television viewing habits).

6. Dreaming about all the trips we want to take in the near future. Currently planning our first year anniversary trip!

5.  Planning our first holiday season together!  I am loving picking out our decorations and trying very hard to figure out a way to sneak in glittery decorations without him making too much of a fuss.

4. Grocery shopping together. It is a very simple task but it happily reminds me we are married and we have a home together.

3. Entertaining together.Our home is usually the venue for some social gathering about once a week.  I love having a full, busy home!

2. Encouraging each other to go after the big dreams. He is constantly pushing me to write and believes that I can finally write that great novel. On a side note, I am using November to get back into my writing routine and I am participating in National Novel Writing Month.

1. Seeing his wedding ring on his hand and getting feelings of love and comfort knowing he is my sweet husband who is totally committed to me. 

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