
Friday, November 15, 2013

Birthday New Beginnings

I have been 35 for five days. Just five days into a brand new year for me.  I love birthdays because, well let's be honest, I just love a party especially if the party is focused on me. But even more important, or at least equally important, I love a chance for renewal. A chance to look back at what I have done so far and what I want to do in the future. I look forward to New Year's every year and I definitely set those goals. I write them down and look at them frequently to check them off.  I have never met all of them.  For example, I have yet to make a sugar free cheesecake but regardless of the things I have not accomplished there are things on my list every year that I do accomplish.  But I don't just have one list, I have two.  To me birthdays are my own personal New Year and I create my own to do list with both fun and serious items to accomplish before my next birthday.

This year is a big year. To me, 35 is a milestone because there are five years left in my 30s. I don't usually plan in five year increments because that is too overwhelming to consider but this year I gave it thought and there are some definite things that I want to accomplish before 40.  However, in order to accomplish big goals, you have to first create smaller chunks of them.  Therefore, I have my list of things I want to do during my 35th year that will take me several steps closer to the ones I wish to have accomplished by 40.

Like I said some are silly  and some are ambitious because a balanced life has both.  I will share a few with you for examples. Maybe you will be inclined to start your own.

1. Since life has been super busy lately with work commitments, I have let my hobbies go. I am tired when I get home and I over committed myself with other after hours projects. Now some of those projects are done and I am refocusing my priorities on revisiting my hobbies. I want to create again. I want to paint. I want to photograph more and actually frame some of those pictures. And yes, I am totally in the nesting phase so I want to decorate the house, make things to fill the house and cook all kinds of new recipes.

2.  I understand that this goal is somewhat superficial but nevertheless I still want to do it. I am proud of my age. My mom always was and I am not ashamed to admit what my age is....but that is a whole other blog topic. However, I still want to look as young as possible. So one goal this year is to "grow younger." Bring on the healthy eating and exercise. Time to shop for some new clothes.  And slather my body in all types of anti aging creams and treatments.  This focus is a nice release for me and it is fun to get pampered.  A pampered me makes for a happier me.

3. Write. Write. Write. I want to publish a book. I want to write a ten minute play. I want to have a really cool blog.  I let other things get in the way constantly. Time to make it a priority!

4. And the last one I will tell you to a new place. The Dalai Lama says to do this once a year. I am not Buddhist but I am smart enough to follow the advice of a very wise man.  I don't know where yet but I will figure out a place to travel before I turn 36.

Yes, there are more goals. I will tell you them as they are accomplished.  Until then...start your own list!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had the best birthday!!! You are amazing and I am certain you will accomplish everything you wish to!! Birthday month isn't over yet!! LOVE YOU!!
