
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My Favorite Things About Being Pregnant

Between 5:05 and 5:15 this morning, as I hit snooze and savored the last few moments of sweet sleep, I thought about this blog post. In my half awake but still know I am asleep state, I thought about the things I love about being pregnant.  The first thing I thought about was how I will write a blog about how much I love sleep.  Obviously I love sleep when I am not pregnant but in my sleep induced state, I thought that sleep would be a brilliant topic for a blog post. The things that make sense to us while we dream!

Of course, when I woke up I thought more about my blog idea and realized that I do have several things I love about being pregnant which will come to a relief to my husband since I have had my share of complaints on why being pregnant is so hard. I do have a few moments where pregnancy is pretty cool although I am much more excited about the mom part and not the current issues I have lugging around 30 extra pounds. Here are the parts that I find to be enjoyable:

Obviously sleep had to make the top pregnancy joy lists.  I love to sleep more than ever now. I have no choice in the matter really because I fall asleep around 8:30 on a late night. I am usually on the couch trying to convince my husband that I am indeed awake as I try to laugh when he laughs at a show only to realize later that I think I laughed about a minute later than I was suppose to.  Sleep is a joy. I am very fortunate that I am one of the pregnant women that can sleep in her third trimester. I only have to wake up usually once or twice a night to make the ritual pregnant woman bathroom run but I have no issue falling back asleep. I am going to enjoy this sleep as long as I can because soon there will be little when Baby Buckner arrives.

Kind People
Now that I am truly showing without absolutely no doubt that I am pregnant and not just swollen or chunky, people are so kind.  They go out of there way to hold the door open for me, pick up items that I clumsily drop (pregnancy = more clumsiness for me), and ask me excitedly about the due date.  They are kind and tell me how good I look. They are kind and tell me about their baby stories or their friends' or family's baby stories.  People genuinely seem excited to talk to a pregnant woman and it is so sweet the attention that they give to me. 

Baby Kicks
Baby Buckner is getting stronger and bigger so what use to feel like little flutters now are true movements. I can feel him twist and turn. I can truly feel him, our baby, inside me.  It is an amazing feeling and completely surreal.  I love to see him turn or kick so hard that my belly jumps. So far none of the kicks have hurt so I enjoy the movement.

Mommy-to-be Massages
My husband treated me to a gift certificate for a mommy-to-be massage for Mother's Day. I am going to use it in the next couple of weeks. I am so excited. I have now had two prenatal massages and I love them. However, I loved massages before I became pregnant but now I feel they are a necessity. Many of my mama friends told me to make sure to indulge in the prenatal massages which I have tried to do.  I think I will squeeze at least two more in before Baby Buckner arrives.  On the same note, it is so important to pamper yourself while you are pregnant. I indulge in pedicures, hair appointments and massages whenever I can. Give yourself some treats because after all you are making a human being which is a lot of work!  Even daily rituals like my "wine" I have (cranberry juice in a wine glass with ice) each evening makes me feel pampered and relaxed.  Indulge - you deserve it!

Not Holding My Stomach In
No need to feel skinny or suck the stomach in. I tried once, you can't.  So why bother? Even the simple joys count on this 40 week journey to parenthood!

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