
Friday, May 16, 2014

Pregnancy Fears

Last night was the first night that I awoke with a slight panic. I will say slight because when it comes to panicking I am very good at it and can take the panic level up pretty high.  I woke up for the first time with a fear about labor and delivery.  I have had a peace about the "exit" strategy for Buckner the entire pregnancy but then again the delivery was months away...until now. Now is the exciting time of the third trimester. I am almost there. I am so ready and so not ready at the same time.

For the first time, I feared the pain and uncertainty about delivery.   I prayed for God's peace and thankfully fell asleep having the best sleep all night so I guess my prayer worked. Today, I am not so afraid. I know the fear is normal especially as the time draws near.  And really there is no way out of this but through the labor and delivery part so I might as well be calm about it.

While I have not had fears about labor and delivery, I have had one, nagging and silly fear for my pregnancy. I actually developed this fear before my pregnancy after reading part of a book about a woman who died from a blood clot after having a baby. I say I read part of the book because it was so sad that I never could finish it. I try to not compare myself to this woman who had a lot of complications and was on bedrest for a few months before delivery. We have never had a history of blood clots in my family nor have I had any issue but nonetheless my hypochondriac brain thought because I read it then it is possible.  So that has been my fear. It has not been crippling. In fact, it has probably been a positive thing more likely than a negative thing. The fear has pushed me to take care of myself more. I try to make healthier nutrition choices (most of the time), drink a lot of water (my second home is now the bathroom), keep my feet elevated, watch my weight (as much as possible), and walk walk walk!

All in all, throughout my pregnancy my extreme hypochondria has disappeared. It has been nice not to visit WebMD all the time!  And I know my fear of blood clots is really not warranted but at least it has made me healthy!

What were some of your fears during pregnancy?

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