
Friday, June 13, 2014

About Ed, for Father's Day

I love my husband's excitement over becoming a dad.  It was instant from the moment we found out.  We always thought I would be the calm one about having a baby and he would freak out. The opposite happened. While I did not quite freak out, I was shocked after taking the pregnancy test. I called him into the bathroom to help me figure out why the test had malfunctioned because it was reading positive and that could not be right! But before I could ask Ed, he saw the positive and instantly got excited. My response was a firm, "Calm down, it's malfunctioning!" I was in shock and Ed moved immediately to excitement...although he admits that he still had a healthy fear.

This Sunday will be his first Father's Day and even though Buckner has not appeared yet, he is already the best dad. He participates in everything baby related and excitedly talks about all the things in life he wants to teach our sweet baby boy. While we wait for Buckner to make his arrival, Ed has been taking exceptional care of me. He tries so hard to make this pregnancy as easy as possible for me and I can't thank him enough. 

He rubs my feet. He makes sure that I stay relaxed and rested after a long day when my feet are swollen. He follows me around the house with my exercise ball encouraging me to do my exercises. He fixed a pool for me to be cool in this summer. When I feel fat or tired, which is pretty much a daily occurance, he is always encouraging me telling me how good I am doing with this pregnancy and how beautiful I am. I believe that even if I can't see it, he truly believes that I am beautiful pregnant because he is constantly taking pictures of me. And he is right there ready to find any food craving I want or tackle any food aversion that I have. For example, my sweet husband brewed his coffee in the garage for about three months during some brutally cold tempartures because I could not stand the smell of the coffee. He loves me so much and he shows it in so many ways every day. The pregnancy has been a beautiful, loving experience just making me more excited to see us move into the next phase of our life together: parenthood.

I love you my sweet husband! You are going to be the best dad.  Buckner and I are so grateful to have you!!!
Ed changing a diaper at birth class!

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