
Monday, June 16, 2014

Pregnancy Brain: The Ultimate Example

I have suffered from pregnancy brain since day one.  My usual scatterbrain moments have become regular, daily occurrences that have only advanced as the due date approaches. At least now there is scientific proof that the pregancy brain is not a myth but an actual phenomenon that occurs to help the mother bond better with her baby.  Well consider Buckner and me well on our path to bonding! 

Throughout my pregnancy I have done some little things such as being forgetful or trying to put food up that was meant to go in the fridge but instead it landed in a cabinet (I did get it out in time for it not to spoil). But Saturday was my peak of pregnancy brain!

I just finished grocery shopping at Kroger and had loaded all my groceries into the trunk. As I walked over to put the buggy up, I noticed a truck with someone sitting in in in front of my car. This part of the story is only necessary to say that someone indeed saw my pregnancy brain in action. I then walked purposefully over to my car and opened the door to get into the passenger seat. That's right, the passenger seat.  I put my purse on the floor board by my feet and was shutting the door when I noticed something was off. The car did not look right. The sad part is that it did not register immediately that I was the driver, I was alone but somehow I had put myself in the passenger seat. No, the first thought that came to mind was, "Did I get in someone's else car?" Then it clicked and I realized I was sitting on the wrong side. Still aware that there was a person in the truck in front of me, I pretended to get something on that side like I meant to sit on that side.  Then I confidently (as much confidence as I could muster) got out of the wrong side and got in the driver's side to drive off.  Now THAT is pregnancy brain!

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