Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Can I be Mindful with Wine and Chocolate?

In my pursuit of being more mindful, I started off with my usual first step: Google.  Google and me are definitely best friends.  We are just that tight.  Anyway, what did I Google?  I type in "easy tips for mindfulness." I know that mindfulness is not a quick fix but I am a beginner so I have not quite accepted this journey might involve work.  I am still hoping for a quick top ten list of what I should do. Surprisingly with those search terms I did find an article and I half way read it before starting this blog entry. Yes, I understand switching from reading to writing shows a lack of focus or maybe a moment of inspiration that cannot be passed. Either way, I plan on finishing the article after I write about the first tip I just read.

The author says to first sit up straight. Easy enough, I can practice good posture. But then she suggests being quiet for five to ten minutes. Do what?!?  Okay, that does not sound like fun but I can manage five minutes. However, it gets worse, the author thinks that I can work up to 25 to 30 minutes of this quiet nothingness.  Why would I want to do that? I think being quiet that long is called a nap.

At this point in my journey (all of five minutes in), I am doubting this mindfulness thing. I did not know inner peace came with a ban on talking.  But then again maybe that is why I don't have the inner peace of mindfulness...I don't shut up long enough.

The author goes on to say I need to quiet the inner chatter.  I am not even convinced I can quiet the outer chatter because my mind does not know how to stop so that will be a challenge.  A challenge she addresses in tip number 7 where I am suppose to just bring back my attention when it wanders making it sound so easy and relaxing except I am going to need a leash for my mind. Lately, all it seems to know how to do is wander.  Yep, I am going to need a strong leash.

The article concludes (yes I made it to the end!) with meditation takes practice so be kind to yourself. I can definitely be kind to myself. Although, I am not sure if wine, chocolate, and The Real Housewives of Orange County is what the author had in mind.

On a serious note, I will give meditation a try because I am anxious to be calm. Yeah, I know you noticed the contradiction in that statement.  I will start off with the five minute challenge and if I can manage five minute of blank quietness then it will be quite a success.  And maybe those daily five minutes will give me the promised benefits of a stronger immune system and a lifted mood....although I still think wine and chocolate lifts my mood just fine. 

To access the original article:

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